I've spent the last two years completely, wonderfully underwater.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
I have been fully, breathlessly
immersed in reading middle grade literature. And it has done wonders
– absolute wonders – for my middle grade writing.
Let me explain.
I've had the exhausting honor these
past couple years to serve on a state middle grade book award
committee. It's a “kids' choice award,” so us adults on the
committee don't pick the winner...we get to to choose the 12 nominees
that the kids in our state will read and pick the winner from. So, in
order to create a top-notch, well-balanced, fully-deserving list, we
need to read. A LOT. According to my Goodreads stats, I've read 87
middle grade novels since January 1st of this year. I
should easily crack 100 by New Year's. Whew.
But, honestly, I'm not sure I've ever
done anything that has helped my middle grade writing more than
serving on this committee. Going to conferences and reading blogs,
we're always told: “Read your market! Read everything you can that
is in your genre/age group so you get a feel for what's out there,
for what sells, for what works and what doesn't.” And, as a kids
librarian, I always thought I was doing that. I read 10-15 middle
grade books a year, so I thought I kinda had it covered.
Man, was I wrong.
There is a world of difference between
10 books a year and 100.
Reading that many current middle grade
books has really taken me to another level. I've been “forced” to
read way beyond my normal selections, into genres and content I
previously rarely touched. I've read books that I never would have
picked up before – and been more than pleasantly surprised by a lot
of them.
I've absorbed an almost constant stream
of story and storytelling, and I've absorbed it in an active,
thoughtful way: thinking about which stories sing and which don't,
which will appeal the most to a kid audience, which books tell a
story in a fresh and exciting way. It's funny – the more you read,
the more real good storytelling jumps off the page. When you
read 100 books, the exceptional ones don't blend in, they stand out
from the crowd even more. That really gives you a chance as a writer
to ask yourself, “Why does this one work so well? What did the
author do that hit the sweet spot so perfectly? How exactly did the
author pull that off?”
As I read, I think constantly about how
the characters were developed, how the pacing is or isn't working,
why a scene was so effective, or what felt flat in an ending. I've
found some pitfalls to avoid, some methods to employ, and some
heights to aspire to. It's been like taking an immersive course in
story craft. It's been amazing.
So if I had to give one piece of advice
to someone who is writing middle grade, I wouldn't just say “read
your market.” We've all heard that. I'd say: “Pretend you're on
an award committee.”
Seriously. Set an ambitious goal. Say,
read an average of one middle grade book a week for a year. 52 middle
grade books in 2015. And, to force yourself to read widely, I'd
narrow your book pool: make sure all 52 of the books you read is a
copyright 2014 or 2015.
It won't actually be that tough. Some
middle grade books can be read entirely in an afternoon. Even some
longer ones flow so well that you'll devour them in a weekend. You'll
learn a ton. You'll get to be real friendly with your public
librarian. And, hopefully, your local indie bookstore clerk. You'll
get a real solid feel for what the market looks like right now, for
what's moving and what's not.
And, if you're anything like me, once
you come up for air and get your head above the middle grade water
for a breath, you'll be even more eager to dive right back in again.
Because middle grade literature is a
pool that's a blast to get immersed in.
The water's fine. Take a deep breath
and jump on in.
Happily swimming here too!
I love this goal. Silly question (or not): Is there a list somewhere of all the middle grade books published in 2014, including genre? I'd love to see the breakdown...
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