
Monday, March 2, 2020


I am a sucker for a time travel story. 

And if you send the main characters back to ancient Egypt, you will for sure grab my attention.

So when MG Minded was offered the opportunity to read and review THE ORDER OF TIME by Scott P. Southall, I was all in.

The Premise:

Anastasia and Edward Upton are eleven years old twins who are different in almost every way. Despite this they are inseparable and the best of friends. They tackle the highs and lows of sixth grade together whether they are fending off bullies at the elite Blake Academy or examining rare antiquities as the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Then: life gets complicated.

They discover that their friend and mentor, Dr. Gregorian, is part of a secret society called the Order of Time. It turns out that time is not fixed, it’s a fluid continuum where changes to the past can create ripples all the way through to the present. It unwittingly falls to the twins to travel back through time to ancient Egypt where they must overcome deadly assassins, evil high priests and vengeful gods in order to prevent disaster. Together Anastasia and Edward must navigate all obstacles to preserve the past and find their way back home.

The Review:

This book is filled with adventure: time-travelling, danger, famous characters from history.

Southall does an excellent job of world-building and paints a vivid picture of ancient Egypt.

The main characters, Anastasia and Edward, are likeable, and Southall does a wonderful job with the personalities of the other characters, including Dr. Gregorian and the Egyptians.

The story moves at a good pace and is filled with plenty of cliffhangers to keep the reader engaged. 

It is reminiscent of Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles, and while this book doesn't flow quite so well and is clunky here and there (but then who can write a page turner as well as Riordan?), I think fans of Riordan and other adventure books may like this adventure very much.

You can read more about author Scott Southall here

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