
Monday, September 9, 2019

Favourite Fall Middle Grade Books

Happy September!

The leaves aren't quite changing where I live, but the kids are back in school and the air is crisp in the mornings.

I don't know about you, but fall is one of the my favourite reading times.

There's something cozy about curling up with a cup of tea (or a pumpkin spice latte!) and reading a good book.

That got me to thinking about some of my favourite middle grade novels that take place in the fall.

I thought I'd share them with you and hope you'll share some of your favourites in return!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (or Philosopher's Stone in Canada/UK)

The first Harry Potter book is a fabulous take on the back-to-school genre, and perfectly captures both the trepidation of starting a new school, but the moodiness of autumn.

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street

"And it was late September, and the leaves were on the verge of bursting into wild colors — Rosalind adored autumn."

And speaking of cozy, The Penderwicks series is the epitome of cozy. The book takes place in September and October and is just a delight!


Oh how I love Augie!  This amazing book begins with Augie starting school for the first time ever,  his jitters magnified by a million thanks to the way he looks. If you still haven't read this book, fall is the perfect time to do so!

Call me Sunflower

Sunny is starting a new school in North Carolina and missing her her friends and family back home in New Jersey. But if her plans work out, maybe she can find a way to to get her mom to go back... Even better, Sunny has a little sister named Autumn! I love this book!

Those are a few of my favourite fall MG reads! I'd love to know yours!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice list! The Philosopher's Stone is definitely one of my fave back-to-school stories. I haven't read Call Me Sunflower yet -- I'll look for it. Thanks!
