
Monday, July 10, 2017

Best. Night. Ever. ARC Giveaway

  Top Seven Reasons To Read Best. Night. Ever. (On sale 8/15/17) :
1. Seven points of view and seven (yes, seven!) authors:  (Rachele Alpine, Ronni Arno, Alison Cherry, Stephanie Faris,
Jen Malone, Gail Nall, and Dee Romito)

2. A soapy plan to sabotage the Heart Grenade teen band


 3. A quacking, locker room duck parade and a wild-goose-slash-duck chase

4. An adventurous ride on a lawnmower known as “The Munchinator”


5. A creek that’s colder than an iceberg mixed with a Popsicle mixed with the look Mom gives when you threaten to slam the bedroom door in the middle of one of her lectures.

6. Third grade twins who own a forty-seven-thousand-button remote, but no curling iron.

7. A guy who makes a HUGE mistake—saying yes to two girls. (Spoiler alert: He may or may not turn into a frozen, sputtering, multicolored glitter statue.)

For a chance to win an ARC of this epic middle school adventure, leave a comment and your email below. A winner will be drawn at random.


  1. Sounds so fun! A book my daughter and I would both enjoy �� Liz.edelbrock at

  2. I already wanted to read this thanks to the contributing authors, but this list makes me even more anxious to get my hands on it! mfaszold at hotmail dot com.

  3. Ahhh so much fun! jpetroroy at gmail dot com

  4. Count me in!! I love to share ARCs with students and teachers at school near Seattle.

  5. I've been waiting to read this for most of the year now and all these mini spoilers make me even more excited!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sounds like a great book to share with my middle school kiddos!

  8. HAHAH I love that he turns into a glitter statue, my daughter Madison would have a blast reading this book.

  9. this looks so fun
