
Monday, May 30, 2016

The BFF Bucket List, by Dee Romito

In Dee Romito’s The BFF Bucket List, two best friends are growing apart. The solution? A super fun bucket list of items they must complete by summer’s end: Sleeping outside, getting tattoos, shopping in pjs, breaking a world record, and having a water balloon fight, to name just a few.

In honor of this fun, fast-paced middle grade debut, I decided to make a bucket list for my dog Cooper!

Since Cooper couldn’t write his own list, I took the liberty of hopping over to and making one for him! Naturally, being a good-spirited Goldendoodle, Cooper was not only up for the challenge, but wanted to complete his entire list in ONE DAY!  (I know. Pretty impressive. He’s ¾ poodle, which explains the over-achieving tendencies.)

On a lazy Saturday, Cooper woke up, ready to cross items off his list:
1. Long Walk: This turned into more of a run, but it was still fun!
2. Road Trip: This was a challenge. Cooper does not love the car. But he did it, with the promise of frozen yogurt, yet to come!!!
3. Random Act of Kindness: Cooper helped me donate a box of clothes to Goodwill. He was unwilling to part with any of his toys, but maybe next time.
3. Fro Yo: This frozen confection was gone in less than thirty seconds.

4. Steak Dinner on Fancy China: Yes, my dog dined on beef tenderloin.

 5. Long Nap: After our adventures, Cooper was ready to rest!
Thanks to inspiration from The BFF Bucket List, I put aside my usual Saturday chores and enjoyed some special time with Cooper. 
Hop over to and start your own adventure today!