
Monday, July 14, 2014

MG readers share their thoughts

Several middle grade readers live in our family, and I asked them to share their expertise with us. In the questions below, I ask about their reading habits and tastes. Perhaps you can learn a bit from their answers. (I know I picked up a few good tips.)

1.      About how many books have you read in the last year?

b-11 “At least twenty, but some of the books I would like to read are not published yet, or my parents won’t let me read them. Like, Allegiant, for example.”

g-11 “NO IDEA!”

g-9 “About a dozen.”

(I’m certain all of these estimates are low. I see these kids reading ALL THE TIME! Often they are rereading their favorite books.)

2.      Of the books you’ve read in the last year, which are your favorites, and why?

b-11 “My two favorite series are The Heroes of Olympus, by Rick Riordan, and The Kane Chronicles, by Rick Riordan. I like them because a.) They both get connected in the last book in the Kane Chronicles.  b.) They help you learn. c.) They both have a lot of suspense and adventure.”

g-11 “The Heroes of Olympus series, by Rick Riordan, because they make me feel like I’m a part in their quest. Usually I imagine somebody is making my story. I pretend I am reading a book like rick Riordan’s that explains how I am feeling & what I’m going through. The books are so well written.”

g-9 “The Harry Potter series, Out of My Mind, and the Half Upon a Time series. Because I really like there was magic in the Harry Potter and Half Upon a Time series. And in Out of My Mind, an eleven year old girl is in a wheelchair and can’t move or talk, except for her thumbs, which she uses to press keys on a computer to help her communicate. She is one of the smartest kids in her school, but at first, no one knows.”

(Now I have to read that one. I’m a sucker for contemporary realism.)

3.      Are there certain things you like or look for in the books you choose to read?

b-11 “I look for adventure, suspense, sci-fi, drama, and mysteries. Oh, and fantasy.”

g-11 “Well, I like adventure and humor in a book.”

g-9 “Fantasy, realistic fiction, and animal books.”

4.      Has anything made you stop reading a book? If so, what?

b-11 “No. But I won’t read a book unless it has a good description on the back.”

g-11 “Yes. Like it’s not my type, or…huh. That’s it.”

g-9 “No, but if I don’t like what it says on the back, I won’t read it.”


5.      Do you recommend books to your friends?

b-11 “Yes! I always will recommend a good book to someone.”

g-11 “Heck yeah! Just did to my dad & sister! J

g-9 “Yes, because if I really like a book, I want my friends to see if they like it.”

      6.      What types of books would you like to read more?

b-11 “I would love to see more sci-fi books, mostly because I love technology, and it fascinates me at how it has advanced, and is still advancing.”

g-11 “I’d like to read more fantasy.”

g-9 “I answered that in number 3.” (Correct, as usual my lady.)

7.      Is there anything else you’d like to share with our blog readers and middle grade writers?

b-11 “If you have not read Rick Riordan’s books, I highly recommend you do. He packs a bunch of humor into a very serious plot/goal. Like how it would happen in real life. Please take his tips in his books. HE IS A GREAT AUTHOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<--That's 41 exclamation points, in case you wondered.)

g-9 “The picture on the front of the book is a very important part of the book. It draws the reader’s attention. You should make the front cover relate to the story in some way.”

The kids agreed to give some reviews of their favorite books for my next post in three weeks. Hope to see you then. (I guess it’s time for me to reread a Rick Riordan book from a writer’s mindset.)

Happy writing, everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Fun interview. Yes, Rick Riordan continues to get buzz in my neck of the woods with his excellent series.I also loved OUT OF MY MIND. Thanks to these avid readers for their responses and I'm looking forward to your upcoming reviews.
